Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How can I place an order?

  • Placing an order is easy! Simply browse our product catalog, select the items you need, and proceed to checkout. You can choose to pay cash on delivery. If you're in Beirut or Mount Lebanon, we also offer express same-day delivery for specific orders.

2. What are the payment options available?

  • We accept cash on delivery. Payment will be collected when your order is delivered to your specified address.

3. Is same-day delivery available for all orders?

  • Same-day delivery is available for specific orders in the Beirut and Mount Lebanon areas. This service is subject to availability and is applicable for specified reasons. Our team will inform you if your order qualifies for same-day delivery.

4. What if an item I ordered is not in stock?

  • While we strive to maintain adequate stock levels, there may be instances when an item is temporarily out of stock. In such cases, our team will promptly contact you to inform you of the delay and provide alternative options.

5. Can I pick up my order from your store?

  • Absolutely! You're welcome to pick up your order from our store every day from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, including Sundays. We kindly request at least one hour to process your order and have it ready for pickup.

6. What warranty do you offer for your products?

  • We provide a 1-year warranty on spare parts and maintenance for our products. Please refer to our Warranty Terms and Conditions for detailed information. It's important to note that we do not cover malfunctions or damage caused by electrical fluctuations, power surges, or voltage issues.

7. What if I experience technical issues with a product I purchased?

  • If you encounter any technical issues with a product covered by our warranty, please contact our Customer Support team. We will guide you through troubleshooting steps and, if necessary, assist you with initiating a warranty claim.

8. How can I reach your Customer Support team?

  • You can easily get in touch with our Customer Support team through our Contact Us page on our website. Alternatively, you can send an email to [Your Contact Email]. We're here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

9. Do you offer any discounts or promotions?

  • We periodically offer discounts and promotions, which will be advertised on our website. To stay updated on these special offers, you can subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media.

10. Can I leave feedback or reviews for your products?

  • Your feedback and reviews are highly valued. You can leave product reviews on our website, and we encourage you to share your experiences and suggestions with us through our Customer Support team or on our social media channels.

11. Are you the sole agents for the products on your website?

  • Yes, we are the sole agents for all the products featured on our website. This allows us to provide you with the highest quality products and exceptional service.

12. Are you open on Sundays for pickups and inquiries?

  • Yes, we are open every day, including Sundays, for pickups and inquiries. Our store hours are from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and we're here to assist you with any questions or orders during these hours.